Top two fascinating technologies to be expected soon

One thing tech minded people want more than present technology is the knowledge or possibility of a future technology. We make it a point to keep all our tech minded viewers updated on tech from the future. Here are two to give you the most thrill.
You may be wondering, what does a train do under ground ? but trust me I don't know either but trust me the works of elon musk is beyond us all. Now His Hyperloop
system would see ‘train’ passengers travel at up to 760mph through a
vacuum tube, propelled by compressed air and induction motors. I tell you this is a breakthrough in our daily tech. You could just imagine man getting to his destination just as he hopped on train. It looks more like harry potter to the rescue. This makes transportation easier road less congested with hurrying pedestrians. WELL, lets see the other part of the future.
Come to think of a group of drones flying right to a fire not burning, but emitting a frequency that puts off a fire. Well its not yet a drone but we're still dealing with our future so don't worry. At least not yet. But in the meantime, Below is a short clip of machines that literally makes fire disappear(cool isn't it?). Well it works by emiting a kind of frequency that is capable of putting off fires. Now imagine a group of bass singing drones literally flying towards a burning building(hmmm now what a melody .
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